features| Portfolio & User Management | Manage Portfolio Details

Manage Portfolio Entities in One Place 

Efficiently manage investment partnership entities on Fusion. Set up and manage ILP, Legal Entities, and AMs to streamline how you manage LIHTC portfolios. 

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All the Basics of Asset Management 

Fusion simplifies managing your LIHTC asset portfolios. With Fusion, you get everything you need to manage your assets—from setting up legal entities to assigning teams to specific AMs.  

Limited Partnerships 

Create and manage new investment LPs. 

Legal Entities 

Create and manage new legal partners (other than GPs and ILPs). 

Assign AMs 

Assign and manage asset managers and their teams. 

Streamlined Portfolio Management  

With Fusion, you get a tool that takes care of the basics of asset management, leaving your asset managers free to take care of the important things.

  • Unified ILP listings screen
  • Add, edit, or delete ILPs
  • Allocate ownership percentage and credit allocation
  • Set up and manage legal entities
  • Automatically update sharing arrangements for an OP
  • Assign asset managers to portfolios
Jeff Morgan

Jeff Morgan

COO & EVP Wentwood Capital Advisors LP
“Fusionsw’ LIHTC expertise and unwavering focus on building a performance based system to manage data effectively was integral to Wentwood’s decision to select Fusion. Fusion’s thoughtful design and robust functionality allow asset managers to proactively analyze portfolios and efficiently report to investors.”

Make Managing Portfolio Details Simple 

With Fusion, you get a tool which centralizes portfolio detail updates across partnerships. A central node simplifies updating details by automatically reflecting changes across OPs.


Oversee all legal entities within your portfolio in one place. 

Create ILPs 

Establish new investment partnerships easily. 

Manage Legal Entities 

Set up and manage legal entities easily. 

Asset Managers 

Create, assign, and manage AM to OP relationships effectively. 


Assign properties to specific asset managers and their teams. 


Systemize mapping properties to AMs to improve transparency. 

Go Deeper into Fusion 


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